Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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Deadline looms for Mexico’s immigration amnesty program

Like many countries around the globe, Mexico has a hidden population of illegal immigrants. But in contrast with the way the United States has perpetually postponed implementing a system to cope with millions of undocumented foreigners, the Mexican government has launched a temporary amnesty program that will allow many reverse wet-backs to come out of the shadows. 

Becoming fluent in Mexican body language

Expats in Mexico may take comfort from the fact researchers estimate that just seven percent of human communication is verbal. Tone of voice, facial expressions, posture and gestures account for the rest. While mastering Spanish requires hours of study, becoming fluent in hand signals is a whole lot easier. What’s more, it may prove just as useful.

Raising Cain against unwanted developments

Chapala area residents who are burning to thwart Lake City and similar developments that they believe will bring radical and undesirable changes to the community can recur to Jalisco’s Procuraduria de Dessarrollo Urbano (PDU), a legal arm of the state government that deals with urban planning issues and controversies, to state their case. 

Among the PDU’s duties – as outlined under Chapter IV, Article 14, paragraphs X and XIV of the state’s Codigo Urbano – are to provide free consultancy services to citizens requesting support in matters related to the application of the state code and urban development plans and to “represent inhabitants, neighborhood associations or property owners in exercising their rights to demand that authorities carry out suspensions or demolitions as necessary when buildings and developments, changes of land use or other exploitations of property contravene urban development regulations (or) cause deterioration of the quality of life in human settlements.”

The agency’s office is located at Calle Mariano Azuela 23, a short distance from the Glorieta Minerva, telephone (013) 336-304-600. The head officer is Gabriel Ibarra Felix.

New app for drivers warns of hazards

Tec de Monterrey University has developed a new app so smartphone users can avoid hazards on the roads. Drivers will be able to consult their handheld devices to keep an eye out for breeches, landslides, fallen trees, rain, animals and traffic. The app was developed for Continental Automative Services.