Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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A not-quite-post-pandemic find for a breakfast lover

Since Covid reared its ugly head, everyone has been warily casting an eye at neighborhood restaurants, afraid to discover some had closed forever. And some had.

pg5aaaIt was obvious from a glance at its tiny, toney exterior and minimalist polish that The Egg Co (just off Avenida Vallarta in Guadalajara’s Colonia Americana), one of two branches that  opened in December 2019, was a cut above many other eateries and probably had the wherewithal to weather the Covid storm. Yet, a few months ago, it too seemed to have shuttered.

So it was surprising to learn this week not only that it had never closed but that it is the brainchild of a distinguished Irish chef, Darren Walsh, who has been noted internationally and in the pages of this very newspaper.

With little time to spare, I rushed over to The Egg Co last week. The rushing was apropos because, as I discovered, it is styled as a fast-food restaurant. And its offerings, nine creative sandwiches made with brioche buns, have significant haute cuisine touches – in their finely crafted sauces (honey mustard alioli on mine), unexpected fresh ingredients (sprigs of arrugula) and the overall high quality of every component, down to the golden brown, buttery brioche, which was slightly sweet and beautiful to behold. I should add that my sandwich was a towering, fluffy affair (particularly the scrambled eggs), making me wonder if I could get it safely to my mouth. I could.

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