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December calendar loaded with enticing events

With the holiday season now on the horizon, December promises to be a busy month for inhabitants of the Lake Chapala region. To help you manage your agenda of seasonal activities, the Reporter has compiled a concise listing of upcoming special events worthy of note.

Saturday, December 3, noon-4 p.m. Hacienda La Cristina Art show benefit for Chapala Red Cross at a residential development west of Ajijic. Local artists will contribute sales commissions to the institution. Hot dogs and punch are for sale, with all proceeds going to the cause.

Sunday, December 4, 8:30 a.m. Plaza San Nicolas de Ibarra Seven-kilometer foot race from San Nicolas to Chapala city hall organized by the Municipal Sports Comission Comude. Proceeds from a 100-peso registration fee go into a kitty to support Chapala Red Cross.

Saturday, December 10, 4 p.m. Chapala Plaza. Kick-off Jugueton 2011, fifth annual toy collection marathon organized by the San Francisco parish church to provide Christmas gifts to children from underprivileged families. Donations accepted around the clock until 10 p.m. on Sunday, with live entertainment during peak hours.

Monday, December 12, all day Processions and festivities in honor of Mexico’s spiritual patroness, the Virgin of Guadalupe. Celebrations in some lakeshore towns run for as much as a week prior to the date.

Thursday, December 15, noon Auditorio de la Ribera. Mayor Jesus Cabrera will deliver his second annual Informe de Gobierno (government activity report) to his constituents.

Friday, December 16, 5 p.m. Auditorio de la Ribera. Traditional presentation of Cascanueces (The Nutcracker) holiday spectacle staged by students of Instituto Loyola. Second show at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, December 16, early evening Starting day for traditional Posada Navideña Christmas celebrations, continuing through December 24. In most lakeside towns children join daily street processions to reenact Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging in Bethlehem. Piñata parties customarily follow.

Saturday, December 17, 9 a.m. Guided tour of Lake Chapala’s south shore towns. Departure from Ajijic, ending with stop at Petatan to see natural phenomenon of wintering White Pelicans. For information contact Sergio Unzueta, El Mundo a tu Alcance travel agency, Zaragoza 25, Ajijic, Tel. 766-0471.

Saturday, December 17, 6 p.m. Auditorio de la Ribera. Lakeside’s Centro Regional de Estudios Musicales presents it annual Christmas concert, featuring Los Cantantes del Lago backed by the CREM orchestra, the music school’s under-nine children’s orchestra and two guest violin soloists.

Sunday, December 18, 3-6 p.m. Ajijic Plaza. Raices Gastronomicas, huge, artfully displayed exhibition of all kinds of typical Ajijic cuisine. Samples available for carry-out sale, priced to include reusable ceramic containers.

Sunday, December 25 Chapala Fire Department. A Christmas feast for local firefighters in appreciation of their service to the community. Generous residents are encouraged to donate dishes for the occasion. For information call Lori Geiger, 765-4916

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