Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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Briefly - September 19, 2020

MEGACHURCH LEADER PLEADS NOT GUILTY – Naasón Joaquín García, the leader of the Guadalajara-based evangelical Luz del Mundo Church, this week pleaded not guilty to 36 charges, including sexual abuse of a child, in the Superior Court of Los Angeles. The trial will begin November 12.

JALISCO’S 4,407 EXCESS DEATHS – Researchers have discovered that from April to July there was an “excess mortality” of 4,407 deaths in Jalisco compared to the previous year.  Proyecto Li  reported that the higher number of deaths could either be people who died from Covid-19 but were not included in the official statistics, or those who died due to other illnesses because hospitals focused on coronavirus patients and did not provide them with adequate care.

RETURN TO IN-PERSON CLASSES – The Jalisco state government has announced an initial set of protocols for the first stage of a return to in-person classes for pre-schoolers, and primary and secondary school students, although no date has been set.  Classes will run from Monday to Thursday only, have a maximum of 30 students and be reduced in length. Kindergarteners may only be in school for a maximum of two and half hours each day, primary students for three hours and secondary students for four hours. Break times will also be reduced.

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