Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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Roman Catholic services can continue, archdiocese says

The Archdiocese of Guadalajara has stated that RomanCatholic churches will continue to perform Masses, although the service should be suspended if there is indication of contagion.

Priests have been advised that sermons should be brief and celebrations short. Older adults, those who are ill, and children are advised to stay home.

The faithful’s obligation to attend Sunday services has been suspended. All other group gatherings, such as bible studies, catechism, pastoral reunions, youth group meetings and the popular traditional live representations of the Stations of the Cross, are canceled until further notice.

Churches will remain open to permit personal visits and those in charge of keeping the churches tidy are asked to sanitize the benches and floors after each service.

Regulations for celebration of Semana Santa will be updated as state and federal health authorities provide indications in the days and weeks to come.

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