Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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Bridge Club News - October 21, 2023

Many of the members of the Lake Chapala Duplicate Bridge Club will be playing in Puerto Vallarta at the end of October through the first of November.

Regional tournaments are larger than either club games, games with your friends and neighbors, or sectional tournaments. At the regional, one plays against existing friends and new friends to be made from other parts of Mexico and from other nations. This column will report the results. Meanwhile, we hope to see many of you at our local games at Sol y Luna.

Here is a bridge problem: you are in 6 hearts after your Left Hand opponent opened with a weak 2 diamond bid- showing 5-10 high card points and a six card suit.

Dummy: S- AJXXX H- AKQX D- void C- AKX

You: S- void H- 10XXX D- KXX C- J109XXX Opening lead: club 8. Plan the play.

Recent results:

Monday, October 9: first: Boyce Robbins and Nicci Beninger, second: Olga Kaplounenko and Jimmy Reynolds.

Tuesday, October 10: first: Mike Roney and Jeane Treolar; second: Jimmy Reynolds and Cindy Thomson.

Thursday, October 12: first: Ray and Carla Hickey; second: Ellen Kuiper and Andrew Small.

Friday, October 13: 499er pairs, first: Neal Hayden and Liz Naidoff; second: Joan Montgomery and Ann Klestadt.

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