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Siglos Pasados live concert in Ajijic, October 12

The ensemble Siglos Pasados, directed by Maestro Enrique Flórez, is a group of musicians and researchers dedicated to the rescue and reinterpretation of music dating back, in some cases, up to 2,000 years.

pg21bFor their performances, they use a large collection of instruments that replicate the sound of the originals.

Siglos Pasados has achieved success on stages in the United States and Europe, as well as in major cultural venues in Mexico, including the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City, the Juárez Theater in Guanajuato, and the Degollado Theater in Guadalajara.

Flórez studied guitar at the Music Conservatory of the University of Guadalajara and perfected his technique with virtuoso performers such as Andrés Segovia and Narciso Yepes. Later, he went through the National Conservatory, where he learned the technique of ancient tablatures and vihuela.

Thursday, October 12, the group performs at the Center for Culture and Arts in Ajijic (the former Ribera Auditorium), interreting medieval, Renaissance, and Sephardic compositions.

The concert starts at 6 p.m. One hour before that, the organizers will offer a cocktail to the attending public. Tickets, priced at 300 pesos, are available on the voyalteatro.com website and app, or at the box office Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7, 6:30 to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, October 8, 11:30 to 1 p.m. Also on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. On the day of the concert, tickets can be purchased directly at the box office for 350 pesos. 

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