Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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Art exhibit reminds us not to forget how our planet used to be

A major goal of “environmental art” is to raise awareness of the dangers facing the planet and promote its conservation.

pg6aDavis Birks’ multidisciplinary conceptual exhibit, “Re-construcción de la memoria” (Re-construction from memory), does just that, combining installations, painting, sculpture and photography to encourage reflection on the environment and how humanity perceives nature.

Born in Seattle, Washington State, Birks has lived in Guadalajara for more than three decades and says the pieces in the exhibit are the “manifestation of a long conversation that I started when I was a child … that remains in a sense autobiographical, a set of impressions collected during my life.”

In an interview with local daily El Informador, Birks says: “It is our short memory that prevents us from really recognizing how much our environment has changed in the last hundred years. We are adapting and getting used to the current state as if it were nothing more than the continuation of a perpetual state, and we forget how it was before—the size of the glaciers, the forests, the amount of biodiversity.”

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