Last updateFri, 31 May 2024 9am


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Laguna Chapalac - October 20, 2012

Semper fi

The 237th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps will be celebrated on Saturday, November 10 at Trattoria di Axixic Restaurant and Bar (Carretera Oriente 30, Ajijic).  The event starts at 5 p.m. with a no-host cocktail hour, followed by dinner at 6 p.m.

Laguna Chapalac - October 13, 2012

Democrats Abroad

The regular monthly meeting of Democrats Abroad-Lake Chapala Chapter has been rescheduled for Monday, October 15, 4 p.m. at Hotel La Nueva Posada (Donato Guerra 9, Ajijic).

Laguna Chapalac - September 22, 2012


The next Survivor’s Night will be held on Monday, September 24, 6 p.m. at La Bodega Restaurant (16 de Septiembre 124, Ajijic). This is not a forum where those attending testify to what they have survived – everyone has survived something. It’s an opportunity to be with other survivors and have a good time. Be there!

Laguna Chapalac - September 8, 2012

Tea Party

The Lakeside Tea Party will meet Tuesday, September 11, 4 p.m. at Sunrise Café in Riberas del Pilar. The theme will be “What You Can Do to Influence the Vote in the USA.”

Electronic tools will be provided so that members can email and phone friends, family and others regarding the importance of the upcoming election. There will be a discussion regarding how to talk with disillusioned former Obama voters, the Republican platform and its differences from the Democratic platform.